Pain Reduction and Inflammation Control Solutions
Physical therapy uses various techniques, including massage, heat therapy, and cold therapy, to effectively decrease pain and inflammation.
Improve Mobility and Function
Physical therapy includes targeted exercises and stretches as part of its holistic approach. These exercises help restore your range of motion and improve overall function. They make daily activities simpler without the pain.
Improve Strength and Stability (ES&S)
Strengthening muscles near an affected area is at the core of physical therapy. Doing so provides stability, lowers the risk of re-injury, and promotes overall body balance.
Improve Posture and Body Mechanics
Correcting poor posture and body mechanics is an integral part of physical therapy. By addressing them, physical therapists can alleviate pain caused by strain and misalignment. It also helps prevent future injuries due to strain and misalignment.
Reduce Medication Dependency
Many individuals find that regular physical therapy helps significantly decrease their dependence on pain medication, by targeting the source of discomfort directly. Physical therapy offers long-term solutions to managing pain effectively.