frequently asked questions
We are grateful that so many of our clients consider our office a safe space where their healing and wellness journey is supported, and we want that to continue, so we are taking many proactive steps to maintain the healthiest possible environment during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Our GOAL is to provide services to our community and subsequently the greater public through minimizing unnecessary trips to the hospital or doctor’s office. Our PRIORITY is our clients’ and employees’ HEALTH, and we will do what we can to mitigate Covid-19 associated risks. These are challenging times for everyone, so we ask for graciousness and empathy toward all of humanity.
1. What mitigation measures is B2N taking to safeguard against the Covid-19 virus?
Because of our one-on-one practice, we always have a lower risk environment.
Our team is closely monitoring the pandemic situation and is taking action accordingly.
We have augmented our precautionary measures to address the current situation. For your own health and safety as well as the public, we ask that clients carefully consider how they manage and respond to Covid-19 risks.
We follow updates on COVID-19 including guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Occupational Health and Safety Agency, the Florida Health Department, and local health officials. Click here for Florida Health Department’s guidance on cleaning and disinfecting.
- All B2N equipment, treatment surfaces, instruments, accessories, high-touch surfaces, and fixtures are cleaned in accordance with CDC and Florida Health Department guidelines using EPA approved Group 2 disinfectant Clear Gear Sports Spray by On Track Enterprises, Inc d/b/a Clear Gear (EPA Registration Number 6836-152-89301).
- Disinfecting and hand sanitizing stations have been set up throughout the studio. We ask clients to use hand sanitizer before and after their therapy or wellness appointments, or better yet, wash their hands.
- Employees/contractors are required to wash and sanitize their hands between clients.
- B2N has installed and regularly maintains the Vollara Air Filtration System that treats the air and surfaces in our office 24/7 with its ActivePure® Technology. This technology has been proven to reduce over 99.9% of many common airborne and surface contaminants including viruses, Covid-19, bacteria, mold, fungi, VOCs, smoke, allergens, and odors.
- We regularly diffuse therapeutic grade essential oils such as On Guard to help support healthy immune and respiratory function and provide an energizing and uplifting aroma.
Anyone entering the studio such as postal deliveries, vendors, clients, employees, and contractors may wear a face mask while in the studio at their discretion.
Masks are available for client purchase. Clients may request, or at the request of their doctor, ask the therapist to wear a mask.
A six (6) foot distance is encouraged for clients and employees/contractors. Therapy sessions do not allow clients and therapists to be socially distanced during their appointments which may put them at risk for person-to-person transmission. Clients will sign COVID 19 consent forms ensuring their understanding of this risk and employees and contractors will also sign a consent form indicating their understanding of the risk. As an alternative, Telehealth sessions are available for physical therapy, performance, or wellness sessions.
2. Is B2N offering virtual/telehealth appointments?
We are currently seeing clients in the office by appointment only.
However, we do offer Telehealth appointments for our existing patients who may be traveling, ill, or self-quarantined. Continuing your plan of care and all the progress you have made is important to us and we are here to support you. During your telehealth sessions you can expect:
- Telehealth visits are available to all existing clients residing in the state of Florida. If you reside outside of the state of FL, contact us for additional information: 727-362-6866.
- Personalized virtual instruction on exercise, meditation/yoga, fitness, Pilates, nutrition, or wellness sessions.
- Discuss self-treatment techniques, symptom management, progress, goals, and exercise progression/modifications.
- Review how activities at home may be aggravating your symptoms.
- Review guidelines for how to do your favorite hobbies with good positioning (gardening, running, tennis, etc.).
- Optimize the use of your equipment/props at home for building a new self-care habit/home exercise program.
- To set up virtual sessions, you should contact our office at 727-362-6866.
3. When should I cancel/not attend an in-studio/physical appointment?
Clients MAY NOT ATTEND an appointment if:
- Experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days, tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 14 days, or have a member of their household who is currently experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms. If clients are experiencing any respiratory symptoms such as dry cough or shortness of breath or fever, aches, and chills, we suggest they seek medical attention immediately.
- When possible, we ask that clients cancel 24-hours prior to their appointment if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms or suspect they may have COVID-19.
To Reschedule an appointment post-Covid exposure or diagnosis, Clients should:
- Be symptom-free* for the last 24 hours of their 10 days quarantine.
- *24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.
- Note that these recommendations do not apply to people with severe COVID-19 or with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised). For more details, see the CDC’s guidelines on quarantine and isolation.
- We encourage, but do not require, clients to gain return clearance from their physician that it is safe for them to resume therapy.
4. B2N Covid-19 Exposure Response and Contact Tracing Procedure:
- If a B2N staff member or client has had direct exposure he/she should get tested but can continue to work if asymptomatic and must wear a mask until test results are received. If feeling unwell with any known symptoms, then he/she should stay home until test results are received and symptoms are resolved.
- If a B2N staff member tests positive for COVID-19:
- Any B2N staff member that tests positive will not be permitted to return to work until at least 10 days have passed since symptoms began and at least 24 hours have passed since last fever without taking fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved.
- B2N staff members that have worked with the staff member who has tested positive within the last 14 days will be notified (Attachment 1) that staff member has tested positive (without naming the staff member), and they will be made aware of the following guidelines:
- Be symptom-free* for the last 24 hours of their 10 days quarantine.
- *24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.
- Note that these recommendations do not apply to people with severe COVID-19 or with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised). For more details, see the CDC’s guidelines on quarantine and isolation.
- If a B2N staff member develops a fever of 100.4 or greater or becomes symptomatic (fever, cough, loss of smell or taste, body aches, respiratory symptoms then he/she should self-quarantine, contact their health care provider and go get tested.
- B2N staff members may not return to work until the above criteria are met.
- B2N staff members must gain clearance from their physician that it is safe for them to return to the office. B2N employees must provide a doctor’s note if they are out of the office for more than three (3) days for medical reasons.
- Clients that were treated by the B2N staff member that tested positive will be notified that the studio had exposure, and they should self-monitor and contact their health care provider per the above guidelines.
- If a client tests positive for COVID-19 who was treated at B2N before their case was confirmed:
- B2N staff members that have worked with the client who has tested positive within the last 14 days will be notified and they will be advised to be tested for COVID-19 and self-monitor for symptoms with the same guidelines as above.
- Clients that were in the studio at the same time as the client who tested positive will be notified that the studio had an exposure, and they should self-monitor and contact their health care provider per the above guidelines.
- If the studio needs to close for cleaning or while awaiting results of testing, clients with upcoming appointments will be called and told that the studio has had an exposure and is temporarily closing for cleaning, and the client will be called and told that the studio has had an exposure and is temporarily closing for cleaning and the client will be called in the next few days to reschedule their appointment when it is deemed safe to return.
5. Recommended Best Health Practices to Safeguard for Illness:
- REST – Get plenty of rest.
- GOOD NUTRITION – For optimal health, focus on high-quality proteins, abundant sources of beneficial fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil are some great choices), and a colorful array of organic or locally grown fruits & vegetables. Add certain supplements that can help support the body in fighting illness, such as zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin C (to name just a few).
- ESSENTIAL OILS/REDOX MOLECULES – Therapeutic grade essential oils, Voxx patch products, and redox molecules can help boost the immune system. Ask your therapist or wellness provider how.
- BEMER AND NEUFIT – Boost and balance the autonomic nervous system, improve circulation, and boost immunity.
- EXERCISE – Continue or begin an exercise program.
- MENTAL HEALTH AND STRESS – Reduce stress and tend to mental health through exercise, journaling, and meditation.
- HAND WASHING – Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds—before eating, after eating, after sneezing or coughing, after using the restroom, and at regular intervals throughout the day. For more information on best practices for handwashing see CDC guidelines here.
- SANITIZER – Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer in between handwashing. For more information on best practices applying hand sanitizer see CDC guidelines here.
- PROTECT – Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or, at the very least, your elbow. Immediately dispose of the tissue in the trash and wash hands or use hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. If these areas are touched, make sure to only do so after washing hands or using hand sanitizer, and then wash hands (or use sanitizer) afterward as well.
- Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick. If you have a sick family member or housemate, they should consider staying home as well to prevent any spread.
- STAY HOME when not feeling well especially if you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms or fever particularly a dry cough, aches and chills, shortness of breath, seek medical attention immediately. Be aware that developing these symptoms along with recent travel or being exposed to someone with COVID-19 may put other clients and B2N staff at higher risk.
- BE INFORMED – Stay informed through the CDC and on the local situation and make sure they know about healthcare and public health emergency planning and response activities in their community. See resources provided in the Covid-19 Resources Section below.
For more information on COVID-19, including symptoms and treatment, visit the CDC website and Florida Health Department website. Please contact our office for more information on our rescheduling policy or visit our website’s Patient Resources page. Covid-19 cancellation provisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the B2N president.