workplace wellness and ergonomics

what to expect

Many people spend more than 40 hours/week in their workplace and having a healthy environment can have a huge impact on their health and productivity.

benefits of a work wellness program

There are 200+ scientific studies that show a positive return-on-investment for worksite wellness programs.

  • Enhanced recruitment & retention of healthy employees
  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Decreased rates of illness & injuries
  • Reduced employee absenteeism
  • Improved employee relations & morale
  • Increased productivity & job satisfaction
  • Reduce effects of stress

At Back 2 Normal, we have many ways to positively impact your work environment:

ergonomic assessments

These can be done in person or through photo or video review of help design a workspace that minimizes risk of injury and maximizes productivity.

Happiness is an inside job

-William Arthur Ward

employee appreciation & incentive programs

  • Reward employees for outstanding performance by offering B2N gift certificates for health and wellness services to aid employees in their injury management, performance enhancement and wellness goals.
  • Chair Massage – show employees you appreciate them and care about their health and wellbeing by bringing our skilled therapist to the workplace for 10-20 minute chair massages.
  • Yoga/meditation – customize a stress relief program to meet your needs and work schedule by providing yoga/meditation to your staff with high-value health benefit.
  • Health/Fitness Coaching could be setup on individual sessions to address exercise goals and implementation, weight loss programs, motivation and accountability.  Group or individual sessions can target any area of interest. These may be weekly or monthly meetings for a set period that help facilitate the individual goals depending on program formatting.  Typically, programs go for 6-12 weeks.

design a recovery zone

at the office where workers can take a 15-minute break to de-stress their body and recharge their battery.  There are different options and we can help design what works best for your workplace environment. Pricing will vary depending on design and implementation.

health & wellness education

  • Offer monthly wellness topics that you could distribute to your employees
  • Lunch and learn education related to health and wellbeing

healing for the body. performance for life