B2N In the Media

Lisa In The News
Lisa Chase, who brings specialized expertise in orthopedic and sports physical therapy, contributed valuable insights. As the owner of Back 2 Normal Physical Therapy in St. Petersburg, Florida, Chase provided professional perspective on matching knee braces to specific patient needs and conditions.

Lisa In The News
Lisa Chase brings valuable insights as an orthopedic and sports physical therapist, drawing from her extensive experience treating patients with back issues at her practice, Back 2 Normal Physical Therapy. Her expertise in body mechanics and workplace ergonomics makes her uniquely qualified to recommend seating solutions that promote proper posture and spinal health.

Lisa In The News
Lisa Chase, an experienced physical therapist, shares her extensive experience working with professional athletes in St. Petersburg, Florida, emphasizes the critical importance of movement for maintaining healthy circulation, particularly during long flights where athletes need to protect their bodies and prevent potential injuries.

Lisa In The News
Lisa Chase, an experienced physical therapist, shares her expert evaluation of the most effective calf stretchers to help alleviate lower body discomfort.

Lisa In The News
Learn about Lisa’s road to recovery and how Astym therapy can help patients suffering from arthritis.

Heather In The News
Our PTA and Balanced Body Pilates instructor, Heather Politano joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM to share how to have healthy happy feet.

Anne-Marie In The News
40 to 60 percent of patients who undergo mastectomy suffer from chronic pain.
Back 2 Normal therapist, Anne-Marie Belott joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM with help for women suffering.

Lisa In The News
Our fearless leader Lisa Chase recently shared her thoughts about the state of the industry with the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Magazine.

Jillian In The News
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. It’s better to “personalize your plate” — and you can do that without breaking the bank. Watch Jillian’s tips on how to do just that!

Anne-Marie In The News
Anne-Marie joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM with insight into Tiger Wood’s recovery process.

Jillian In The News
February is known as Fasting February, but does it work long term.
Jillian Warwick, functional therapist at Back 2 Normal joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM to debunk fasting myths.

Anne-Marie In The News
Do you have Dead Butt Syndrome? DBS is a thing from many of us sitting in one place for too long.
Physical Therapist, Anne-Marie Belott with Back 2 Normal joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM with expert advice on how to avoid DBS and get the treatment you need.

Kirsten In The News
Vestibular and Visceral specialist Kirsten joined Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM to talk about how she gets the body in sync using this method.

Anika In The News
If you are dealing with muscle soreness, consider massage guns. The massage guns can be purchased and used at home to alleviate soreness and speed up the recovery process. Anika joined Great Day Live with more on the device and the health benefits it can produce. For more information or to book an appointment, visit www.back2normalpt.com.

Heather In The News
Being in shape doesn’t mean you have to break a major sweat. Daytime host Danny New proves that filling in for Gayle Guyardo on Bloom. He gives the 30-minute Back2Normal fitness routine a try. Watch Heather in action here!

Lisa In The News
Before she was stretching out the muscles of local Tampa Bay weekend warriors, Lisa Chase was working with some of the top women tennis players in the world as a physical therapist for the Women’s Tennis Association. Learn more about Lisa’s story on this great ABC Action News piece.

Ilene In The News
Clean OUT your Fridge Before the Holidays! Did you know there is a National Day to clean out your fridge? We think it’s a great idea to clean it out before the Holidays to make better decisions and improve your health. Learn about fridge must-haves and what we can let go of before the Holidays for a healthy, happy, and organized life.

Anika In The News
#TheSelfEdit: Many of us indulged in a binge weekend of Get Organized with the Home Edit on Netflix (whether we admit it or not – the surge in sales at The Container Store confirms it ). So not all of us can pay to get our houses edited, but we can make small edits in our daily lives to live a healthier, happy, and organized life.

Kirsten In The News
How to Ditch Those Morning Headaches? Getting a good night’s sleep is key to feeling rested and rejuvenated. But, if you wake up every morning with a headache, something is happening during your sleep. Grinding or clenching your teeth at night can cause serious damage—like cracks! —to your teeth and even lead to long-term injury of the temporal-mandibular joint (TMJ). Learn how dentists and physical therapists join forces to decrease pain and improve function of those suffering from an injury due to grinding or clenching.

Heather In The News
Pain in the Knees? Don’t let your achy knees dictate your fitness routine! You don’t have to be free of all joint issues to feel good mid-workout while doing Pilates. This 100-year-old workout (created in the 1920s by physical trainer Joseph Pilates) is designed to stabilize and strengthen your knees. We have a Pilates mat workout that is all about strengthening your knees and feeling good. Fun fact: Some of the first people treated by Pilates were soldiers returning from war and dancers such as Martha Graham and George Balanchine (to strengthen their bodies and heal their aches and pains).

Jillian In The News
We are not dramatic: Sugar is actually an addictive substance, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), who classified it as such around a decade ago. While sugar is not technically a drug or compulsive behavior — learning about what it does to us is crucial, especially if you’ve ever managed another type of addiction. Learn more about sugar and how it can have a drug-like effect in certain ways.

Lisa In The News
Now that the kids are back in school, whether in person or remote, you might be looking for some motivation to get back on track after a carefree summer filled with indulgences when it comes to food choices and physical activity with less structure. Learn how yoga and better nutrition can help you and your family reach your goals this fall.

Lisa In The News
It has been discovered that a specific type of physical therapy is helping some patients with coronavirus to breathe more easily — Manual Therapy. Most of us think about physical therapy for orthopedic injuries. But physical therapists, certified in Manual Therapy, can address how the joints in the rib cage work to improve the efficient function of respiration. Lisa Chase discussed this recent discovery with Gayle Guyardo.

Jillian In The News
The ancient Greeks believed that the seas boiled, wine turned sour, and dogs grew mad during these dog days of summer. It is essential for your body and, in turn, your time outside to stay hydrated. Jillian explains how hydration affects your body, mind, and spirit and what you can do to stay hydrated and healthy year-round.

Heather In The News
Has Staying at Home Inspired You to Get in Shape? Yes, we have heard it before, COVID-19 has revolutionized the way we do absolutely everything. Virtual workouts are on the rise, and Heather shares some tips on Bloom with Gayle Guyardo.

Anika In The News
Ever heard of Dry Needling for pain? Two Florida bills (HB 467 and SB 792) have been approved allowing Physical Therapists to begin dry needling in 2020 to help with pain.
Anika explains this medical trend to Gayle Guyardo on Bloom.

Jillian In The News
#75Hard Is the Fitness Challenge of the Summer, but This Is What Experts Want You to Know Before You Try It.
Learn what Jillian had to say in this article by Parade Magazine.

Lisa In The News
The transition back to the classroom as summer ends can be a stressful time for both children and parents. Educational and social pressures add up, but this school year has other elements that cause extra anxiety (physical distancing, face masks, sanitizing, etc.) that builds up to affect children’s bodies and minds.
Watch Lisa with Gayle Guyardo, as she gives some quick and easy hacks to help children process anxiety and stay healthy during this school year.

Lisa In The News
The transition back to the classroom as summer ends can be a stressful time for both children and parents. Educational and social pressures add up, but this school year has other elements that cause extra anxiety (physical distancing, face masks, sanitizing, etc.) that builds up to affect children’s bodies and minds.
Listen in, as Lisa gives some quick and easy hacks to help children process anxiety and stay healthy during this school year.

Lisa In The News
St. Pete physical therapist uses a new trend in rehabilitation, a stand-up elliptical bicycle.
During the pandemic, people have been looking for alternative ways to stay healthy, which includes trying new workouts.
So, when 50-year-old performer Jennifer Lopez was seen recently riding something that resembled a stand-up bicycle, people started asking, “What is that?”
The superstar was using an ElliptiGO, a hybrid between an elliptical and bicycle.

Lisa In The News
Physical Therapist Lisa Chase, PT, CFMM, OMPT shares tips on how to manage arthritis flare-ups with Bloom guest host Gayle Guyardo

Lisa In The News
Lisa recently appeared on Great Day Live, WTSP, Channel 10, to talk about weight gain and pain during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snacking all day and stress eating may have led to a few extra pounds recently. Lisa Chase, owner of Back 2 Normal Physical Therapy, joined GDL to help get us back on track. Chase discussed how to reset and regenerate our bodies and manage pain. To learn more, visit back2normalpt.com.

Anika In The News
Anika was recently featured in Healthline.com, talking about yoga during pregnancy.
You’ll also need to account for an increase in injuries or instability. Anika Arevalo, PT, DPT, physical therapist, and pelvic health specialist at Back 2 Normal, says an increase in the hormone relaxin, which increases joint and ligament laxity, can lead to these areas being more prone to injuries during exercise.
There’s also more demand on your heart, which Arevalo says can cause frequent light-headedness and dizziness. Plus, your growing tummy alters your body’s center of gravity, making you less stable with movements. Being aware of these changes can help you choose activities that are safe and provide you with a way to take a break if needed.

Jillian In The News
Jillian was recently featured in The List, talking about what happens to your body when you eat yogurt every day.
According to the Mayo Clinic, hypertension can lead to various health problems, including heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, dementia, and more. That’s why it’s important to regularly measure your blood pressure and see your doctor if it’s elevated. The good news, however, is that regular yogurt eaters are already on the defense against hypertension, according to functional nutrition therapy practitioner Jillian Warwick.
“Your blood pressure will improve because the potassium found in yogurt can play a major role in regulating blood pressure levels,” the expert shared with The List. “Yogurt has over 600 milligrams of potassium in a single eight-ounce serving – that’s almost a fifth of your RDA for this heart-healthy mineral.”